Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sierra Leone's Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues Affecting Sierra Leone

      Sierra Leone suffers many environmental issues, such as deforestation, degradation,fragmentation  and the loss of soil fertility.  It also suffers a big loss of biodiversity,air pollution and last of all water pollution. Alot of Sierra Leoneans don't quite understand the issues that they are facing in their country. Which means they havent been searching for solutions to the problems that they face within their country. (Dumbuya)
      In the 1980's, forested land was turned into agriculture land, which means that alot of trees were removed for croping to be done.  In today's society, the Sierra Leone is taking action to this issue that has been affecting the environment for over twenty five years. According to author Ishmael Kindama Dumbuya, he stated how "The Sierra Leone government through the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment has adopted a policy of planting trees and preserving vegeration that is natural to the provinces. Over ten hectares of land have already been allocated in each district. Very recently also, precisley in June 5, 2009, the Minstry embarked on planting trees and greening of Freetown project"(Dumbuya)

      Degradation is one of the main issues that is rising within Sierra Leone. Degradation is seen as a temporary or permanent detoration in the density or structure of vegetate cover or species composition, resulting from the removal of plants and trees important in the life cycle of other species, from erosion, and from other adverse changes in the local environment. 

      Degradation within Sierra Leone is only getting worse. it is growing at a fast rate. In the Gola Forest, degradation is the worst. The Government of Sierra Leone with the help of H.E Ernest Bai Koroma decicded to ban the hunting and the logging of trees  within this forest. Modern development has also caused degradation within Sierra Leone.

      Fragmenration is also another issue within Sierra Leone. Fragmentation bascially arises from road construction, and also similar human intrusions that happen within forest areas. This only leads to making forest edges more vulnerable to have degradtion occur within micro-climates. Also when degradation and fragmentation combine with one another, they pose as a great impact on the diversity of plant and animal life. 

      Also biodiversity is rising in Sierra Leone. Biodivsersity is seen as the total variety of animal and plant species in a particular location. This is seen as biological diversity. Within Sierra Leone, mining is causing a big effect on it's biodiversity. Their is also chemicals being found in water, due to the mining. Mining comapnies use water to clean their diomonds, which have chemicals in them. Also water is becoming affected from another factor which is human waste. Due to this action, alot of plants and animals are becoming extinct.It's so tragic how plant life is becoming polluted, and animals have to leave their natural habitat and move to safer areas. Many people from Sierra Leone, depend on it's biodiversity for it's food source, which is now becoming a big issue for them. 

     Overall Sierra Leone is experiencing many environmental issues, that many people don't know about. It's unfornuntate that not alot of help is being given to people who live in Sierra Leone. We as Americans have many resources that we use, but unforunatley in Sierra Leone they don't. We get oil from them, and many other things, and we are the ones that are living better and their poverty rate is increasing. Also many are getting ill due to air pollution etc. Their should be more help given to Sierra Leone, so Sierra Leonans can live a better life. Here below is a short youtube clip of Sierra Leone and it's environment issues.

Link to Article

Youtube Video:

l diversity”. During mining, tons of the earth’s land is scooped up in order to get to the ore. This process causes the land to lose its biodiversity as is presently seen happening at the Kono diamond areas and the excavation of the land by the CSE construction company at the Rogberay-Pamlap highway in the northern part of the country. The loss of forestland is reducing the level of biodiversity in Sierra Leone. 

These problems can also be found in water sources. Because of the use of toxic chemicals by several mining companies, the bodies of water that provide Sierra Leoneans with drinking water are being destroyed. Insufficient actions to guard against deforestation, land devastation, and the release of toxic materials into water bodies and the environment from the alluvial and blast mining are leading to the extermination of some species of plants and animals. total variety of plant and animal species in a particular place; also known as biological diversity”. During mining, tons of the earth’s land is scooped up in order to get to the ore. This process causes the land to lose its biodiversity as is presently seen happening at the Kono diamond areas and the excavation of the land by the CSE construction company at the Rogberay-Pamlap highway in the northern part of the country. The loss of forestland is reducing the level of biodiversity in Sierra Leone. 

These problems can also be found in water sourceYoutube Video on Sierra Leone's Environmental Issues:

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